23 February 2009

It's only just beguuuuun...... (Level 10)

Yay! My warlock has reached level 10 and i must say i can already feel that incoming experience is slowing down :P

Yep i am still n@ked, i have searched the auction house for some nice weapons to maybe boost my intellect or stamina but i could only find 1 or 2 items that are at least 1g!!!!! My money situation atm is not looking good i am just breaking even so far, almost all my money is going towards water and food since i am using 10 times more than any other player with all this grinding. My other problem is that i use so much bag space so i had to invest in 4 8-slot bags which used up almost all my copper ;(

Time for a statistics screany, as you can see i have completed a total of 1 quest. the quest was a class quest so it still fall in limits of my leveling restrictions. The quest was The Stolen Tome which as a reward gives me the ability to summon a imp. I must say my survivability has gone up a little with a new pet to distract some mobs :P

I don't know why but everyone wants to dual me >.< they must think i am a total idiot with being all n@ked hehe. The surprising thing is even though i have half the hp than a normal non n@ked character i am still winning. Seriously atm i am over powered with my fear and dots :P But as i am leveling the gap is getting bigger and soon i will never win a dual again ;(

I have been called noob a couple of times while leveling but i guess i have to learn to live with it being n@ked and all. Next progress update should be level 15.

Level 10 Road map:
4 hours, 20 minutes, 26 seconds
1 Class Quest
482 Kills

19 February 2009

It is alive :o

So it begins my wonderful journey of my new warlock. Here are some screen shots that i took to start things off.



Quest Achievement:

And the race or well maybe better to say the grind to level 10 has begun. I am also actually wondering if my character name is appropriate, but i guess the worst that could happen is that i am forced to change it. I did Armory-Google N@ked and it came up with allot of characters just called N@ked, i was very disappointed after further investigation that they are fakes and they had all there clothes on >:(

18 February 2009

Restrictions are set!

I already have 2 level 80 characters and a couple of 70's, i am raiding everything that our guild can handle and i do PvP as well. But i decided when i am not raiding and bored i will try out this new project. It will most likely fail and die out but i thought if i create a blog to track my own progress who knows i might even be able to pull it off.

So here are the restrictions that i have set my self so far:

1. I am leveling n@ked, the only thing i am allowed to equip on my charter is a weapon like a staff or main hand and offhand a neck, rings and trinkets. The only item that actually shows is the weapon and it would look kinda boring not have a weapon equipped :P

2. I am not allowed to receive any financial help from my mains.

3. I am not allowed to do any quests except if it's a class quest needed to for example to get my bear form or to progress further in a profession or in game. So it will be almost 99.9% grinding on mobs to level. If i do happen to do a quest for example a class quest i must document / screen shot it and post it in my blog when i update with progress.

4. I must post progress on this blog at least every 10 levels with screen shots of things like character profile and amount of quests in achievement statistics to show that i am grinding :P

5. I would like get certain achievements while following all my other rules since then getting these achievements will be much harder. I must obtain the following achievements:
If i do happen to get a awesome achievement that i feel is really hard considering my circumstances i will blog it.

So some people might be saying "you could just put gear on and grind then when you update progress you just go n@ked again or when logging out". Well this is true and there is no way for me to prove that i will be going n@ked all the way. But at least i will know that i will be holding to my restrictions. When ever you "who" me come past and give me a cheer i might need it with all the grinding ;)

Next post will contain my character creation and hopefully be level 10 ;) , never not quested before so i have no idea how long it will take.